Special Selection Review Boards and affect those officers alleged to have violated UCMJ Article 133 or UCMJ Article 92 among other potential misconduct. Having an experienced military lawyer [...]
Article 133 Conduct Unbecoming an Officer, an article of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), prohibits military officers, cadets, or midshipmen from engaging in conduct unbecoming an [...]
The officer’s former wife accused him of multiple sexual assaults, domestic assault and abuse, and sexual misconduct. The investigation dragged on for more than a year. Army CID investigators [...]
A junior enlisted sailor accused a Navy Lieutenant of assault consummated by a battery. The assault allegedly occurred at the end of a promotion party known as a “wetting down.” As is customary [...]
In 2015, the Navy ordered my client to show cause for retention on active duty after the client tested positive on a routine urinalysis. We submitted information to Navy Personnel Command [...]
Senior officer under investigation for fraud related to housing allowance claims. During investigation, demonstrated that client had not violated any law or regulation. Result: No charges filed.
Senior officer accused of fraud, multiple larcenies, false official statements, obstruction of justice, and conduct unbecoming. Multiple witnesses testified that officer took part in conspiracy [...]